In creating this Spanish beer, we drew inspiration from history, seeking a brutal and historical symbol. Reflecting on old Spanish sea tales and the buccaneers, we crafted a brew that embodies their indomitable spirit.

The original buccaneers were hunters on Hispaniola, named for the boucans they used to smoke meat. These lawless men, clad in rawhide and armed with muskets, knives, and swords, were driven off Hispaniola by Spaniards. They then formed the Brethren of the Coast on Tortuga.

By the 1630s, these men had become seamen. Using small pinnaces, they ambushed larger Spanish ships under the cover of darkness. Expert marksmen, swiftly killed helmsmen and officers, building a fearsome reputation that led to quick surrenders.

Their raids on Spanish towns were fast and hard-hitting, resembling modern commando operations. Landing away from the towns, they attacked from the land, catching their targets by surprise.

As the Caribbean, known as the Spanish Main, evolved, the buccaneers played a crucial role in ending Spanish dominance. The French and English, establishing colonies, enlisted buccaneers to protect their interests and raid enemy ships.

To honour this rich history, we present Buccaneer's Brew, a tribute to the fearless spirit and taste of adventure. Each variety of our beer possesses its unique character, offering a distinctive and flavorful experience.

In telling these stories, we emphasize that our beer is not just a drink but a flavorful journey through history and legend.